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I have found all but five secrets myself. For all the secrets, go to PlanetWolfenstein and click the link 'separate secrets guide' in the text in the big gray box.

Here are some tips and strategies I've figured out and found useful:

The game is a huge file. Turn off all other programs while playing.

The only difference between the easiest and hardest levels is that on the hardest level you lose slightly more health when hit, and health packs are worth slightly less.

Blowing up radios doesn't seem to affect the game, but you can do it for the pure wanton love of destruction.

Saving the game at the right time can be a good strategy for winning. Make sure you are not in any danger just before you save. Save when you have high health. Save just after you've accomplished something difficult.

Watch out for the mauser rifle. It's very powerful.

The mauser and the snooper are for long-range. The paratrooper rifle is medium range. The other guns are short-range.

You can aim very accurately with the mouse.

You can use the mauser and snooper scopes as telescopes. The mauser scope is useful for long distances. The snooper scope sees through darkness and fog.

Hitting a moving target is very difficult, and trying to is generally a waste of ammo.

You can save ammo by letting opponents kill each other; for example, soldiers and zombies. In fact, it's fun to release zombies and get them to chase the soldiers.

Zombie knights are vulnerable when they stand up.

It's very hard to kill fire zombies with anything but explosive devices.

Reload often, and reload all weapons before confronting difficult opponents.

Explosive weapons work best in confined areas, but make sure you are not in the confined area, too.

The dark rust-colored barrels are explosive, and can be used against opponents. (Don't hide behind them!)

The venom gun overheats when fired continually, but it will restart in a second or two.

Lopers can be killed with the flamethrower, venom gun, and panzerfaust.

Some opponents are very big and powerful. but you have the advantage of being faster. You can also plan a strategy. Make use of these advantages.

Super Soldiers can be killed with the venoom gun and panzerfaust. Flamethrowers are not effective.

When Super Soldiers make a big screeching noise, they are dead and you can stop firing.

I like to save the electric tesla gun for Prince Heinrich at the end of the game.