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Mission 5 - Deathshead's Playground

Part 1 - Ice Station Norway

Use a silent gun on the first three opponents. Otherwise, the whole gang from the compound will come down on you where you have no cover. Use a silent gun on the guard just outside the compound, on the wooden walkway.

You'll find the snooper rifle very useful in Norway, because with the scope you can see through fog.

Once inside the compound, I like to make a run for it to the left, behind the shack and the boxes, up the stairs, and through the main building to the tower behind it. You will certainly lose some health, but the tower is a highly defensible position. (Also, this causes a soldier to get out a panzerfaust, which you have a good chance of getting hold of). To do this, reach the stairs outside the main building on the left, go up and to the right and into the upper level of the building. Cross to the door straight ahead on the other side of the building. Go back outside and to the left and follow the ridge around to the tower. There is a guard in the tower.

If you choose to go into the building, there is a machine gun mounted on a truck, and several exploding barrels.

There are many opponents in this area, and the paratrooper rifle will be useful. If someone has a panzerfaust, try to get it from him. When able, go back to the front of the compound. There is a flak jacket in the shack, and a secret behind the wooden building. There is health in the main building.

You need to get to the next section of the compound, and the large gate will not open. Go back to the tower, and follow the ridge behind it to another tower, and a walkway that extends from it. Drop down into this second tower from a hole in its roof. There is at least one guard in the tower. There may be a soldier on the walkway with a venom gun.

From the tower and walkway, you can see a yard, another tower, and two wooden buildings, one on each side of the yard. There are many soldiers shooting at you from below, and probably one in the other tower across the yard. One will have a panzerfaust. Your best chance is to stay in the tower. Pick them off patiently, maintaining as much health as possible. There is a ladder going up to the walkway, at the opposite end of the walkway from the tower. Some of the soldiers will storm it, and you can get them with grenades or shoot them as they come up the ladder.

Sometimes soldiers will come over the ridge from the yard, and try to sneak into the tower from behind.

When most of your opponents are gone, go out of the tower and over the ridge toward the yard. Don't go down the ladder. Pick off more opponents from the ridge that overlooks the yard. Go into the yard and finish eliminating opponents. There is health in the two wooden buildings.

Past the two wooden buildings, you'll see a large gate. There is a small wooden shack next to the gate on the right. Go inside and push the red button. This will open the gate. You'll see a large building at the end of a sort of driveway. Some of the soldiers in the driveway have venom guns.

Fight your way inside until you can reach the door to the large building. The building is full of soldiers, and some have venom guns. Only a couple will come out of the building and get ambushed, so you have to go inside. Make a run for a small room on the left, where there is health and some paratrooper rifles. Soldiers will come rushing out of an area on the opposite side of the building. They will run toward some barrels, and you can shoot the barrels, which will explode. Pick off more until they are all gone.

If you want to go back out and collect resources, be aware that more soldiers have entered the yard.

Exit--At the end of the building opposite the door, where the barrels exploded, there is a large hole in the wall. Enter the hole and turn left to exit.

Secrets: 1

When you first enter the compound there's a wooden building to the right of the main building. Go behind it to the side farthest from the main building. There's a wooden barrier you can kick in. Go under the building to the ladder and climb into the secret area. Exit by the door (you can see the door from inside this wooden building, but you can't enter by it).

Part 2 - X-labs

When you first enter, there are two techs with handguns hiding on your right. There are double doors straight ahead. Enter and watch for soldiers, one with a mauser. Go left and through the next set of double doors. There are soldiers and a loper. You'll see a ladder in a sort of alcove. Go up it and go to your left through the doors. Go right through the next set of doors. You're above the lab, and three lopers get loose, causing havoc. Go across the chainlink walkway through the next set of doors into a hallway, and confront the lopers. Don't step on chainlink near the lopers.

Go out of the hallway onto another chainlink walkway. Slightly to your left there's a ladder that goes back to ground level. You may have to go down there to get the last loper. Ahead and slightly to your right there are two sets of doors. The ones on the left have a Super Soldier behind them, and you could get his weapon or you could leave him alone. The ones on the right have lots of resources. Continue out of the room with resources through the next set of doors. There are more resources. You're above the octagon you saw when you first came in. You can hear a loper buzzing below, and you had better go get him. There's a ladder to your right a little further on.

You need to get to the area with the exit. Go back up to the chainlink walkway just past the hall where you killed the lopers from the lab. Go down the ladder. Make three quick right turns and go through the doors. You'll see a water tank. Jump in and swim through the passages until you come to a large open area of the tank. You'll see a brown door straight ahead. Go in it. Follow the narrow part around and to a ladder. Climb up out of the tank. Don't forget to go up for breath!

A Super Soldier will burst in. There is also a loper. You're facing the doorway. There are resources straight ahead. Go left, then right to the double doors. Go in. There is a loper bouncing around; you may have to get him or he may jump into the waste water tank. Try not to step on the chainlink walk until he is dead.

Exit--Go over the chainlink walk and down the stairs. Go to the left over the waste water tank. You're in a small room, and there will be a red lever near the doorway. Pull it. This opens the exit, but also releases two Super Soldiers.

To exit, just go in the very large door next to the stairs. Pull the red switch on the left. This opens another very large door, where you can exit.

To complete your mission, you have to get the documents from the lab. Go to the doors where you saw the first loper, and the ladder in the alcove. Just to the right there is a door that is blown open. Go in and to the left through the next set of doors. You're in the lab; go over near the tables with the bodies, and find the documents.

Secrets: 1

When you swim through the lower level, you come to the ladder that you go up to get to the Super Soldiers and the exit. Just before the ladder, on your right, there is another brown door like the one you entered before. It's right by the airhole. Go in and follow the passages around to a ladder which will take you up to a secret area. You'll have to kill a Super Soldier here, too.

Part 3 - Super Soldier

Pull the red switch to the left to enter. A Super Soldier will come on your left from the hall. Go down the hall. You'll see health on your left, and a lab to your right. There is a stairway on either side of the lab. There is one soldier at the top of each stairway. You need to go up one of the stairways; they each lead to halls which converge into one hall. In the area where they converge, there is a soldier with a flamethrower, a Super Soldier, and a technician. You can attack them from either direction; whichever you find works best. When ready, go through the doorway where the technician was standing. Go either left or right, and you will come around to a platform. Jump off the platform

You are with Deathshead, and he wants you to fight his Super Soldier. This Super Soldier is tougher than the other ones, and he has an electric tesla gun.

Make a run for the glass-enclosed shelter on the right. The Super Soldier can come in the two ends, but he is very slow. Rockets are a good weapon to use against him. I conserve my rockets for this purpose. Grenades and dynamite work well, too. You can use the venom gun. There are techs on a balcony shooting at you with handguns. Try to keep the Super Soldier at the end where the techs are shooting from the balcony, so they won't be shooting right behind you.

Exit--When he's finished, you can fight your way through the techs and find the exit. Go through the doorway under the balcony, and through another doorway. Go right. Go up the stairs, turn right, and go through a door. You're on the balcony. Go through the next door. Go to the end of the room, on the right, and pull the red lever. There's a door behind you, with a yellow arrow posted by it. Go through it. Go up the elevator, push the second red button, on the right, and exit.

Secrets: 0