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Mission 6 - Return Engagement

Part 1 - Bramburg Dam

As you look down from the hill, you see the truck to the left, and the tower and short fence to the right. Go along the fence until you come to a ladder. Climb down it and down the next ladder. Go right along the walkway until you come to a door. Go in. You're now under the dam.

You hear two technicians talking. Go around the corner to the right, and get rid of them and the guard. Go in the next door on the left. You'll see a chainlink door and an elevator on the right. Push the red button and ride the elevator up to a small room.

The alarm will probably go off now or soon. Go out the door. If you are being stormed from the right, use the machine gun. If you continue right all the way to the gate, there's a room with resources. When able, go left and confront the oncoming soldiers. To the left, across from the tower and near the end of the road, there is a door. When you go inside, you'll hear a Hitler speech and some music. Go up the stairs. Go through the two doors, climb the ladder, and go into the duct.

Crawl through the duct, but when you hear someone say, 'I know he's in here,' back off. They're going to shoot a rocket. Once a hole is blown in the duct, you can continue on around the hole, or you can jump through the hole to the floor below. There are some very tough opponents here. When you come out of the duct, you're in a large area with three big dynamos on one side, and a raised floor on the other. Go up the stairs to the raised floor. Go up a few more steps into the hall where you see double doors straight ahead and a door on the left. There are two techs behind the door on the left, and one or two soldiers through the double doors. Go through the door on the left, go left again through another door, and there are resources.

Exit--Go through the double doors and left. Go through the door on your right. Go down the stairs and out the door. You're now outside. Find some cover; there are several guards. Across the yard you'll see a large gate with a sentry box on the right and a shack on the left. Go into the shack and push the red button. This will open the gate, which is the exit.

Secrets: 1

Once you get under the dam, there is an elevator, and by the elevator there is a room behind a chainlink door where you can see resources. Push the button to make the elevator go up. There is a grate under the elevator, which you can kick in. Jump down and follow the duct beneath to a secret area. You can exit through the chainlink door.

Part 2 - Paderborn Village

This is not as difficult as the other silent level. The objective is to kill five generals. Kill everyone but civilians, and quickly, before they can raise an alarm. Go around the first corner, past the car and into the courtyard. Go up the steps or up the ladder to the right. Under a small arch, to the right, there is a door. Two soldiers and a general are inside.

Go back outside and turn right, right, left, then right. Go down the stairs. Someone in a window will see you. Get rid of him quickly.

Go down the main street, around the corner and into the first house, which is on the left. Two soldiers are in a room inside, talking. A general is upstairs, listeneing to a record player.

Go back out and to the next house on the street, which is also on the left side. There is a soldier and a general there.

Cross the street and go under an arch with some metalwork. You'll hear a general complaining about wine. Go down the stairs and through an old wooden door. You're in the wine cellar, and there is a soldier there looking for wine. Go all the way through the wine cellar. Don't neglect to kill the drunken soldier. Go up the stairs, and into a hall where you will come to a door. Go inside.

You're in a room with a big table and a fireplace. There is a door opposite the fireplace. Open the door. There's a courtyard with a wagon in one corner. A soldier will be patrolling across the courtyard, and another one will come out onto a porch to the right. There are two houses across the courtyard. Go into the house on the left. There is a general sitting at a table with some brandy. Go into the house on the right. Go to the right, then turn left into a short hall, go through the door, and then left through the bedroom. The last general is in a small room with books adjoining the bedroom.

Exit--Go back out the door you entered under the arch. Or, go to the courtyard where the main street ends, and there is a metalwork door in an arch. There are three houses surrounding the courtyard, and a wagon in one corner of it. Go up the stairs of the house nearest the main street. Go through the arch and down the next set of stairs. You see a long archway to the left. There are two soldiers talking in the long archway. Go through and past the archway; keep going straight through a metalwork door. Turn right. There is a soldier, and an alarm on your right. A little further on to the left there is a stairway down into the chateau. This is the exit.

Secrets: 5

1. Exit the first house (the one with a general, two soldiers and a girl) and follow the walk under the arch and around to the main street. On the way, on your right at ground level, there is a little door with a padlock. Shoot of the padlock and you can enter. This is a secret area that exits onto the main street.

2. When you get outside this door, and onto the main street, there is a soldier shooting at you from the opposite end of the street. He's in a second story window and he has a mauser. Go to the door under this window, and you'll find a drain pipe to the right of it. Climb up the drain pipe and into the second story room, and you'll find some health.

3. Go to the square with three houses and a wagon sitting in the yard. In the house across from the wagon there is a general sitting in front of a picture of Hitler. The general has a glass of brandy. Shoot the picture and you will see a lever. Pull the lever and a secret area will open up in the same room by the front door.

For the other two secrets, go to PlanetWolfenstein and click on the link 'separate secrets guide' in the text in the big gray box.

Part 3 - Chateau Schufstaffel

Go through the wine cellar, to the right, and up the stairs to the tree-lined walk. You can see the entrance to the chateau at the other end. An officer might see you from his balcony overhead and raise an alarm. Go in the entrance, past the barrels and through the doorway. Go through the next door and to the right. You're in a fancy hall in the chateau proper. Go left down the next hall and into the living room. You'll have to fight very hard to get this far.

Go into the next room, where there is a large staircase. There are snipers at the top. They're difficult to see through the balcony railing. You can get them, but it takes patience. You can use the mauser or snooper rifle, or they might run down the stairs.

Go past the stairs into a room with a big wooden structure in the middle. Past this room there's a large chapel. Three elite guards are in it. There is food in it, too.

Here is something neat: This large chapel is where they hold the ceremony. If you can use your silenced weapons and sneak in this far, you may see some of the ceremony!

Go back to the stairs. Go up and to the right, through the double doors. At the end of the hall there are two soldiers, and possibly an officer. Go left and into the first door on the left. You're in a very fancy dining room, and if the officer wasn't in the hall, he'll be in here. You think this is General von Shurber, but it's not.

On the other side of the table, you'll see gray double doors. They go outside and to a balcony. Go on the balcony and to the right, along the window ledge, to a ladder at the other end. (This is right above the tree-lined walk by the wine cellar). Go up the ladder, to the roof, where there are two guards. You'll see two sets of large glass windows and some soldiers and elite guards below. The two rooms below are the library, which you need to get into. The only way is through the glass windows. Break one and jump, and try to land on top of a shelf.

You're in a room with a lot of bookshelves, and there is an adjoining room which is much larger and has a staircase going down. There are about five or six soldiers and elite guards, mostly in the area of the staircase and fireplace.

Exit--When ready, go down the staircase, where there are double doors and a desk to the right. Stand back, because someone will fire a rocket through the doors, destroying them. You'll then be looking straight down a hall. At the other end of the hall there are about three soldiers and an elite guard, and they have a panzerfaust. Halfway down this hall, there is another hall that goes off to the left, and has double doors. When the first group of soldiers and the elite guard are killed, another group of three soldiers will come out of these doors. When they are gone, go through the doors these last three soldiers came out of. This is the exit.

Before you leave, you have to do one more thing. Go through the set of double doors in the library that are on the same side of the room as the fireplace. There is a hall and another set of double doors. Behind them is a group of soldiers, officers and an elite guard. One of the officers is General von Shurber. You have to assassinate him to complete your mission.

Secrets: 2

1. Under the main stairway (the one nearest the entrance) there is a door, to the left as you face the staircase. Go back into the living room where there is a picture of Hitler over the fireplace. Shoot the picture and then shoot the swastika under it. When the swastika goes back into the wall, the door under the stairway is opening. Go to the door before it closes again.

2. For the second secret, go to PlanetWolfenstein and click on the link 'separate secrets guide' in the text in the big gray box.

Part 4 - Unhallowed Ground

You're at the back of the chateau. Open the double doors. There are three guards outside by the trucks and boxes. Go through the gate with the lions, and to the right. A little way down there are two sentries and some cells in a sentry box. Go back past the gate and lions, and along the bottom of the hill, until you come to the end of the hill. There will be a stone wall to the left. Go up the hill, where there is a small cemetery. There are three elite guards up here; two are near a little stone house just past the cemetery. There are grenades and health in the stone house. The cemetery is on one side of the stone house, and on the other side there is a stone wall with a soldier behind it. This soldier has a mauser. Across from the front of the stone house is another hill with another small cemetery. Go up this hill and through the cemetery until you come to a ruined stone house with a wooden floor. There are two elite guards hanging around here.

The tough part here is an elite guard in a tree with a mauser, and she has very good aim! The tree is ahead and to the left of the ruined house, and there is a stone wall ahead and to the right of the ruined house. She can easily get you anywhere in this area. But it's possible to get her before she even sees you. Between the ruined house and the cemetery, there's a large tree. Stand by this tree and use the snooper rifle to spot her in her tree, where she's standing on a platform. Remember, the snooper rifle is good for finding targets in the dark and in fog.

When ready, go past the tree with the platform to where you see two high stone walls with a machine gun between them. There are two elite guards on the other side. There is a bridge, but you can't go over it because it will collapse. Instead, stand by the machine gun facing the ruined stone house. Go left until you see a truck and its headlights. There are two elite guards behind the truck. Beyond the truck there are two very large stone pillars with two other long stones across them to form a sort of doorway. Go through it and you will see a stone floor with a lot of high square pillars. Make sure you're done in the other area before you go through, because the stone doorway will collapse and you will not be able to go back.

This is where you fight the two Super Soldiers. Quickly collect your resources. There are lots of weapons to the left of the stone doorway, and health to the right. (Be sure to get the dynamite, as it will come in handy in The Dig, in Mission 7). The Super Soldiers will come out of the church. You can see it on the opposite side of the stone floor from the stone doorway.

The most effective weapons are the panzerfaust and venom gun. Don't confront them. Hit them and get under cover, and in this way wear them down.

Exit--The exit is in the middle of the stone floor, and will open when you kill the second Super Soldier.

Secrets: 1

The secret is under the remains of the ruined wooden house by the sniper in the tree. (This is near the approach to the bridge that collapses). When you face the chimney, you see the remnant of a window to your left. Throw two or three grenades in front of the window and you can blow a hole in the floor. Drop down into a secret area. Go down a few steps and you can exit by a door in the hillside. (You can see the door in the hillside from outside, but you can't enter the secret that way). Be aware there are two elite guards outside the door.